Katerangan pondok:

Epson DX7 asli, sirah print tahan pangleyur cocog pikeun printer dumasar pangleyur Epson.DX7, ogé katelah Epson Micro Piezo TFP Printhead, mangrupikeun téknologi printhead Epson panganyarna.Cai mibanda 8 saluran jeung 180 nozzles per channel.Éta ngagaduhan ukuran serelek 3,5 picoliter sareng téknologi Droplet Ukuran Variabel.Ieu mangrupikeun Epson Printhead asli.

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Ngaran Produk: Epson DX7 asli kadua dikonci printhead F189000
Tempat Asal Jepang
Warna: Emas
Pamakéan: percetakan inkjet
Tinta: UV atanapi Eco pangleyur
Fitur: 100% cocog
Jumlah Nozzles 1440 nozzles
Nozzle Array 180 nozzles x 8 kolom
Dimensi éksternal 24mm x 112mm x 37mm
Beurat 30 g
Rincian bungkusan Ukuran 14 x 11 x 10 cm
Balanja: DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS
pamayaran: TT/Paypal/Western Union

1. Hal ieu kacida dianjurkeun pikeun ngaganti kabel sirah babarengan jeung printhead anyar.
2. Printhead diperlukeun pikeun dipasang ku jalma profésional.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Please jadi sadar yen urang teu nampa sagala balik sarta ngabalikeun duit sakali printhead geus dipasang dina mesin.

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