EPSON I3200-A1

Tsanangudzo Pfupi

Iyo Epson I3200-A1 Mvura inodhura-inodhura 1.33inch-yakafara MEMs musoro nhevedzano inopa kubereka kwepamusoro uye yemhando yepamusoro yemifananidzo ine 600dpi yakakwirira-density resolution.Iyi printhead yakakodzerwa nemvura-based inki.

Product Detail

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Zvigadzirwa Zvinotsanangurwa

Product name: Epson I3200-A1 yepakutanga Printhead
Type PrecisionCore MicroTFP printhead
Nzvimbo Yekwakabva Japani
Kushandiswa: Inkjet kudhinda
Ingi: Aqueous
Nhamba yeNozzles 3200nozzles
Nozzle mitsara 8 mitsara
Nozzle resolution 300 npi/mutsara 600 npi/2 mitsara
Max.nhamba yeingi dzemavara: 4 mavara
Kubudirira kudhinda upamhi 33.8 mm (1.33 inches)
Droplet ejection performance 3.8, 6, 12pl
Viscosity range 3-4 mPa·s
Dimensions 69.1mm x 59.5mm x 36.7mm
Kurema 82g
Packaging Details 12X12X5 masendimita
Kutumira DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS
Kubhadhara: TT/Paypal/Western Union

1. Inokurudzirwa zvikuru kutsiva tambo dzemusoro pamwe chete neprinthead itsva.
2. Iyo Printhead inodiwa kuti iiswe nevanhu vane hunyanzvi.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Ndapota ziva kuti hatibvumi kudzoka uye kudzorera kana printhead yaiswa pamushini.

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