EPSON I3200-A1

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Epson I3200-A1 Water minangka seri kepala MEMs kanthi ambane 1.33 inci sing larang regane nyedhiyakake produktivitas lan kualitas gambar sing dhuwur kanthi resolusi densitas dhuwur 600dpi.Printhead iki cocok kanggo tinta adhedhasar banyu.

Detail Produk

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Spesifikasi Produk

Nama produk: Printhead Epson I3200-A1 asli
Jinis Printhead MicroTFP PrecisionCore
Panggonan Asal Jepang
Dianggo: Printing inkjet
tinta: banyu
Jumlah Nozzles 3200 nozzles
Nozzle baris 8 larik
Resolusi nozzle 300 npi / larik 600 npi / 2 larik
Maks.jumlah tinta warna: 4 werna
Jembar printing efektif 33,8 mm (1,33 in)
Kinerja ejeksi tetesan 3.8, 6, 12
Rentang viskositas 3-4 mPa·s
ukuran 69.1mm x 59.5mm x 36.7mm
Bobot 82g
Rincian Kemasan Ukuran 12X12X5 cm
Pengiriman: DHL/Fedex/TNT/UPS
Pembayaran: TT/Paypal/Western Union

1. Apike banget kanggo ngganti kabel sirah bebarengan karo printhead anyar.
2. Printhead kudu diinstal dening wong profesional.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Please weruh yen kita ora nampa bali lan mbalekaken maneh sawise printhead wis diinstal ing mesin.

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