Sònrachaidhean Bathar
Teicneòlas: | Micro-Piezo |
Fuasgladh dùthchasach: | 1440 dpi |
Min.meud droplet: | 1.5 liotair pico |
Max.meud droplet: | 21 liotair pico |
Tot.meud nozzles: | 1440 (8 loidhnichean x 180 nozzles) |
Tricead losgadh: | 8 kHz |
Co-fhreagarrachd inc: | inc stèidhichte air ola mar inc UV, solvent agus stèidhichte air uisge mar inc sublimation, reactive, acid, no pigment |
1. Thathas a 'moladh gu mòr a bhith a' cur an àite na càbaill cinn còmhla ri ceann-clò ùr.
2. Feumaidh an Printhead a bhith air a stàladh le daoine proifeasanta.
3. Due to the nature of Printer Parts and the many factors that go into installing them, we do not accept returns or give refunds on electronic or service parts. Once the package is delivered, it is the customer's responsibility to check the package for damage. If there is any visible damage on the package, please refuse the shipment and call us or contact us 86-15957481803
4.Please bi mothachail nach gabh sinn ri tilleadh agus ath-dhìoladh sam bith aon uair ‘s gu bheil an ceann-clò air a chuir a-steach air an inneal.
Fìor stiogair
Sgrìobh do theachdaireachd an seo agus cuir thugainn e